Disability does not exclude professional activity

Opening the subject of persons with disabilities in our working places. From technical and mental point of view are offices friendly for all? Should the HR departments prepare dedicated teams, places, support or the system of work should include all groups of person’s needs?
Here you can find opening opinion from Radosław Krasowski working at cooperting with #InvestInPomeratnia Santander Global Operations in Gdansk as HR director.

“From the very beginning of our activity in Poland, since 2008, our company has set itself the goal of creating jobs for people with disabilities. A modern office building, lack of technical restrictions, light nature of work, young employees – all these factors encouraged to give employment opportunities to people who deserve to return to professional activity.
Neither the work schedule nor the need to pay for an additional 10-day holiday leave, nor the burdensome procedure of approving work positions by the The National Labour Inspectorate officer were not a problem for us. Difficulties really began with the search for people willing to work. There was no doubt: the state care system does not teach people with disabilities independence, resourcefulness or activity. Passive state help, forms of supporting people with disabilities lead to rather stay not active, encourage them to stay at home. The money stream is not being managed properly. The state should allocate funds for the professional activation of the disabled, rather than pay low benefits that do not motivate for anything, but provide only the subsistence minimum. “

Full text at November issue of “Personnel Plus“.

Invest In Pomerania