Investor’s assistance

In 2016 Invest in Pomerania assited in 96 new investment projects. 29 of them were supported in the cooperation with the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency and 67 by Pomerania Development Agency and its regional partners only. Additionally, 31 projects that had started in the previous years were continued.

230 assistance activities  were provided to the investors including presentations of the investment offers, law and economic researches, business partners matchmaking, site visits . The key source market of investors was the US (18% of the projects supported), Nordic countries (16%), Poland (8%) and the UK  (5%). The significant amount of FDI (19%) was not assigned to the certain country as they were coordinated by business advisers who could not reveal their clinets identity (NDAs signed).

65 of the site visits were organized for the investors from the US, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Switzerland, China, Japan, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Singapore, France, Italy.

The investors interested in our region represented such economy sectors as  industrial processing, logistic, BPO/SSC, ICT. Most of them asked for market research, information on business regulations in Poland, investments offers (land, halls and offices).

In 2016 there were 9 new investments and 2 reinvestments announced. The companies included:

  1. Quad Graphics, USA (service center IT),
  2. Wipro, India (BPO center),
  3. DNV GL, Norway (SSC ),
  4. Eltel Sweded (SSC),
  5. Chunxing, China (manufacturer of aluminum castings),
  6. Intel, USA (SSC),
  7. Fujifilm, Japan (SSC),
  8. DGC, Sweden (SSC),
  9. Manpower Group Solutions, USA (RPO center),
  10. Infotjenester, Norway (IT center),
  11. Eurofins Digital Testing, Belgium (IT center, software testing).

Altogether, the investors declared the creation of 1040 new vacancies.

Invest In Pomerania