Quarterly providers’ event

 On Tuesday, October 30, Invest in Pomerania held another event dedicated to the satellite companies related to the Pomeranian Business Services Sector. Guests listened to a summary of the salary report carried out by Mercer. 19 companies from the Pomeranian BSS sector participated in the research preceding the report. The report allowed to show the Tri-City BSS market in the context of the entirety of the Polish BSS sector recognized as the most dynamically developing branch of the Polish economy (source: ABSL 2018). The presentation was closed by payroll forecasts in Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Bartosz Wojtasiak from Invest in Pomerania also presented the latest update concerning the Pomeranian labor market. Then, the representatives of the Baker McKenzie company gave a lecture on the best practices and further actualizations related to the RODO Regulation.

Invest In Pomerania