Women in IT in Pomerania

Is the IT industry for women? Are women working in IT in Pomerania satisfied with the choice of their profession? What were the IT students of Pomeranian universities guided by when choosing their studies and what do they plan to do after completing their education? What opportunities does the Pomeranian job market offer for women who want to develop in the IT industry?

These and other questions are answered by the report acting as a guide for women who want to start their professional adventure in the IT industry, which was based on a study commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship by the Antal company. The study contains practical information on the situation of the IT industry in Pomerania against the background of the country and Europe, information on what Pomeranian universities offer IT-related faculties and in which companies women can find employment. How to change industries when IT work is within the scope of our interests? What interesting Pomeranian initiatives and events are worth participating in?

Report only in Polish.

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